Appendix A - Supported File Formats
Supported Image File Formats
This is a partial list of image formats that MicroView can read and/or write:
- vff - SUN TAAC file format
- dcm - DICOM version 3.0, part 10 image format
- DICOMDIR - DICOM directory file (container for multiple DICOM images)
- vtk - The Visualization Tool Kit image format
- ppm,pbm,pgm - Portable pixmap/bitmap/graymap image format
- jpg - jpeg image format
- png - Portable network graphics format
- bmp - Windows bitmap file format
- tiff - Tagged image file format (uncompressed, 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit single and multi-channel images)
- hdr - Analyze image format
- mnc - MINC image format
- nfo - A simple raw image format
- interfile - A Nuclear medicine file format
- mha,mhd - UNC meta image data
- vgi,vgl - VG Studio Max image export format
- vox - RTViz Voxel file format
- webp - WebP image format
- pic - BioRad image format
- isq - Scanco microCT image format
Supported Geometry File Formats
- vtk - Native VTK format
- obj - Alias Wavefront file format
- stl - Stereo Lithography File format
- bin - PLOT3D file format
- ply - PLY file format
- vtp - VTK XML file format
- oogl - Geomview OFF format file
- gts - GNU Triangulated Library file format
- tec - Tecplot file format
Supported Tabular Data Formats
- CSV - Comma-separated value file format
- xlsx - Excel 2007 format files
- xls - Excel binary file format files