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MicroView supports two extension mechanisms for running third-party code: plugins and scripts. While MicroView's plugin architecture is more powerful, and gives fine-grain control over the application, it has a steeper learning curve. For simple tasks, MicroView's scripting interface is sufficient.

Directories and Files

On application startup, MicroView looks for scripts by searching for python *.py files under the Scripts folder in it's application settings folder. The application settings folder can be found by selecting HelpOpen User directory from MicroView's menu. The actual folder location will vary depending on your platform.

In the figure, below, the script folder is show for a Windows 10 computer. will be examined on application startup to see if it is a valid script.


Anatomy of a MicroView Script File

The contents of are shown below:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def zero_image(image, origin, spacing, dicom_info):
    replace image values with zero
    image[:] = 0

def flip_image(image, origin, spacing, dicom_info):
    flip image in x-axis
    image[:] = image[:, ::-1]"flipped image in x axis")

def print_dicom_header(image, origin, spacing, dicom_info):
    print image dicom header
    """"DICOM info: {}".format(str(dicom_info)))

zero_image.__menu__ = 'Fill image with zeros'
flip_image.__menu__ = 'Flip image in x-axis'
print_dicom_header.__menu__ = 'Show image DICOM header'
print_dicom_header.__requires__ = ['BeautifulSoup']

This script file contains three entry-point functions: zero_img(), flip_image() and print_dicom_header() all with the same argument list (image, origin, spacing, dicom_info). In order for MicroView to call a script function, it must have this calling syntax.


  • image: contains the currently-selected image as a numpy array.
  • origin: the (x,y,z) origin of the image, measured in mm
  • spacing: the image voxel spacing (x,y,z), measured in mm
  • dicom_info: a pydicom compatible dictionary representing the image meta-info in DICOM format. If the original image data was DICOM this will be a verbatim copy, otherwise a DICOM header is interpolated for the image

    Note: The image array is a shared copy of the current image in MicroView: modifications to the image array modify the image in MicroView directly.


At the bottom of are four static lines that may seem a little odd. The first three attach a static attribute named __menu__ to each function. MicroView searches for this attribute before deciding if a function should be displayed from the Scripts menu. The final line provides a python list of required packages in order for the given function to be run. For instance, in above, print_dicom_header() is a simple script that prints DICOM header values to MicroView's central logging window - but it claims to require additional python software (BeautifulSoup in this case) before the plugin can be run. This last attribute provides a rudimentary way for MicroView to bootstrap additional software dependencies using python's pip installer.
